BPO partners from left to right: Ildikó Miszori – audit services, Szilvia Sarkadi-Nagy – accounting and payroll accounting services, László Killik – auditing and accounting services
With more than forty staff members we are small enough to provide customized services, but large enough to create value for our Clients.
Two companies, one team
At BPO, everyone works to ensure that our Clients are successful and achieve their business goals. For our staff members, we strive to create a secure, professionally exciting value-based workplace.

BPO and our MGI Worldwide membership

In 2005, we joined the MGI Worldwide international network of accounting, auditing, and tax firms. Since then, we have been involved in several international projects, which has created plenty of opportunities for both our Clients and our staff members.
Technology is part of our lives
We have been preparing for years to go paperless in our office because we also believed that technology would improve our working conditions as well. Perhaps this also allowed all our staff members to work from home during the COVID pandemic. In addition to the latest Office package, our professional software also uses the latest technologies.

Thanks for the recognitions!

We work had to create an attractive and professionally meaningful workplace. These aspirations are also recognized by others.
We have been awarded the title of Family-Friendly Company several times, but in 2018 we received the Family-Friendly Company of the Year award. We have also received the title of lovable workplace and responsible employer many times.
We carry the good reputation of our profession
We believe that you choose a nice and secure profession if you study to be an accountant, an auditor, a payroll accountant, or a tax consultant. To help young people make a responsible decision, we regularly go to high schools, where we also give a little insight into our profession.
We are responsible for our community
If we can, we will help. Every year, we embrace at least one project that we think requires special attention in the current economic and social situation. In 2020, following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we offered laptops, office furniture and office supplies to elementary and high schools, such as Szinyei Merse Pál Gimnázium.

Environmental protection and sustainability are important to us
We believe that we can do something for our environment even as an office, which is why we minimized using paper in the office years ago and have now almost completely stopped it. Of course, we collect garbage selectively and do everything we can to put as less pressure on the environment as possible.

We provide our services through the following companies:
BPO-TAX Adó és Könyvviteli Szolgáltató Kft.
Managing director: Szilvia Sarkadi-Nagy
Tax number: 13127033-2-42
Accounting, payroll accounting, labor and tax advisory services (operational)
BPO-AUDIT Könyvvizsgáló és Vezetési Tanácsadó Kft.
Managing director: lldikó Miszori, László Killik
Tax number: 13314664-2-42
Auditing and tax advisory services