We believe that communication and proper information are key in such periods. We know we are in this situation together and we can support each other.
That’s why our colleagues, your contacts, consult with each company about the service-related processes. Due to the IT infrastucture of our company, the professional operation of our teams and our online solutions, most of the difficulties can be overcome even in the case of home office work. Therefore, we will continue to be fully available during our working hours.
Our employees do their utmost to ensure the continuity of our services, except in cases of force majeure. It is our duty to follow the regulations of the competent authorities in all cases and to organize our work accordingly.
For more effective communication, we recommend that our Clients contact us primarily via email or call our central phone number (+36-1-422-1339). We will receive postal consignments once a week as long as it is possible, but we would like to ask you to send us your documents electronically in this period if possible for health and work organization reasons.
We trust that everything will return to normal as soon as posssible. In the meantime, take care of yourselves and each other.