Draft VAT return

July 6, 2021 | Author: Erika Dudás

UPDATE Pursuant to the amendment published in Magyar Közlöny (Hungarian Gazette) on 16 July 2021, contrary to the previous provision, the Hungarian tax authority will offer the first draft VAT

Webshops and the OSS Scheme

June 28, 2021 | Author: Éva Szőke-Solymosi

From 1 July 2021, the rules of e-commerce will change at EU level, which had to be taken over to the Hungarian tax system as well. VAT regulation for e-commerce

Consequences of late depositing the financial statements

June 28, 2021 | Author: Erika Dudás

Companies keeping double-entry books and registered in the register of companies shall deposit and publish the financial statements. The relevant regulations are contained in Subsection (1) of Section 153 of

Financial Reporting Deadlines in 2021

May 5, 2021 | Author: Éva Szőke-Solymosi

  The 2020 financial reporting period, like last year, is in the shadow of COVID-19. This does not make things easier for enterprises, accountants or auditors. However, a significant change

Central Register of Beneficial Owners

February 24, 2021 | Author: 2021-02-24

As a result of the amendment, legal entities and entities without legal personality will be obliged to report beneficial owner(s) to the central register. Within 5 days after the commencement

2021 NAV Inspection Focus Areas

February 11, 2021 | Author: 2021-02-11

NAV continues to choose companies for risk-based inspection, using its ever-expanding data assets. Screening companies that specialize in tax evasion will remain a priority. The following activities will receive special